
The results of the study of textural and structural features of acidic volcanites of the extrusive-subvolcanic body of the Lyadgey Complex (V2ld) between the Pravy Izyavozh and the Levy Izyavozh creeks of the southern part of the Enganepe Ridge are reported. We found that the extrusive-subvolcanic formation had an inhomogeneous structure due to the zonal arrangement of rock varieties: massive, fluid and spheruloid rhyolites, clusters of rhyolite and dacite composition. Prominence in relief, signs of extrusion of viscous lava, flow textures, successive change from west to east of fluid varieties by massive and then spheroid, the presence of clastolaves of rhyolite and dacitic compositions allow classifying the studied object as an extrusive genetic type.

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