
The article examines the problems of understanding music from the point of view of interaction of emotional perceiving and theoretical reflection. Basing on the case of two works on Schubert and J. S. Bach, written by outstanding musicians of our time, I. Bostridge and J. E. Gardiner, the role of author’s subject position is examined as well as reconstruction of historical and cultural context of the works as the prerequisite for deeper understanding. The author of the article points out changes in the attitude to music pieces after reading these books, which shows relevance of music cognitivism, not diminishing the impact of music, but, on the contrary, showing its new aspects if the author combines personal experience and research capabilities. Since both books are about music containing verbal element (vocal cycle and cantatas and Passions) the problem of interrelation of music and word has been regarded. In analyzing I. Bostridge’s book the accent is placed on recreation of historical and cultural factors connected with different songs of the cycle. In examining Gardiner’s work attention is given to elements of biographical method which are used to get more versatile notion about the composer’s music through which different traits of his character, often ambivalent, are disclosed. Interaction between sensual perception and intellectual reflection is an important process not only in gaining knowledge about a musical piece, but in extending social and cultural experience of the listener and the performer. Special accent is placed on regarding subjective approach to the works performed and analysed used by the authors as the result of merging of performing experience and research work. Such approach is relevant for contemporary art studies in which the subject/object duality is deconstructed and multidisciplinary research prevails.

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