
Introduction and study purpose. The presented article shows the theoretical analysis of literature sources on the problem of the gender approach in physical education of pupils. Considering the problems of physical education of young people through the prism of gender, Ukrainian and foreign scholars emphasize the relationship between gender and personality-oriented approaches as the basis for the humanization of the educational process. With the purpose to determine the critical periods of decreased and increased motivation of students to engage in specially organized motor activity, taking into account their gender characteristics, it is necessary to monitor how the quantitative composition of masculine, feminine and androgynous boys and girls change with age and how these psychological characteristics affect their motivational priorities to motor activity. Material and methods. The results of the study are based on the materials of questionnaires and testing of 638 students of 5-11 forms (303 boys and 335 girls) of secondary education institutions. A set of methods was used to solve the tasks: analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific and methodological literature; questionnaire, psychological and diagnostic testing, test questionnaire S. Bem "Masculinity - femininity", generally accepted methods of mathematical statistics. Results. It is proved that androgynous and feminine gender characteristics influence the motivation to be engaged in physical activity in girls. The high level of motivation to engage in physical education and sports in boys coincides with a high level of androgyny and femininity. The critical period of reduced motivation to engage in physical education and sports falls on the period of increasing manifestation of masculine characteristics. Summary. As a result of the study, we received a fairly large amount of necessary knowledge, which gives us the opportunity to develop a model of components of individual physical culture of adolescents and young people with evaluation criteria for different age and gender groups. Key words: physical education, gender approach, boys, girls, masculinity, androgyny, femininity

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