
From the very first day to the last day, Deen-e-Islam has been the most favourite deen near Allah. It means man should surrender himself before Allah Almighty. Allah has sent His Rasools and Messengers to warn His creatures. Every Rasool preached the same message of faith. Therefore, the same Din is acceptable before Allah Almighty.Actually all sort of other religions have been derived from Deen-e-Islam. Gradually people kept on going astray from the right faith because satan presented their deeds bright and attractive for them. People have become very happy and arrested in the trap of satan/devil.
 Deen-e-Islam invited all the religions of the world to three common points; believe in the oneness of Allah, believe on the doomsday and efforts for good deeds. If you believed on the above faith, there would be no scare and fear for you hereafter. Islam assures its followers to have reward for their good deeds. The concept of salvation and forgiveness is not bound with any single name, family or tribe. In this regard Islam teaches us for equality and equity for every person. That is why Hazrat Nooh (A.S) could not save his wife and son. Unlikely, Hazrat Loot (A.S) also could not secure his wife.

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