
The article deals with the structure and principles of functioning of the university educational environment. Based on the analysis of the concept of environment in its educational context, the main types of environment are identified - social, informational and linguistic. Within the framework of the concept of social environment, its main parameters (social and material) are defined. The informational environment of a higher education institution is presented as a set of three main components - the university's educational policy, management standards and electronic management. The interdependence of the informational and educational environment is noted; the generalized concept is defined as a set of information resources and technologies based on the regulatory framework of a particular country and educational standards adopted for a particular area of training. The language, foreign language and professionally oriented foreign language environment of a higher education institution is analyzed as a powerful factor in the formation of foreign language competence of future specialists. The categorical and conceptual relationship of the educational environment, educational system and educational space is clarified. The conclusion is made that the educational environment of a higher education institution is a component of the public educational space, characterized by common spatial and educational features, has its own specificity, determined by the possibilities of autonomy and the specifics of subject-subject relations within the university. The leading components of the university educational environment are substantiated - regulatory, socio-cultural, socio-communicative, informational and technological, material and technical. The basic principles of the functioning of the university educational environment are noted: systematic, holistic, humanistic, autonomous, and social responsibility.

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