
In this article the comparative data on quality of fruits of triploid varieties from intervalence crosses and received from crossing diploid are presented. The aim of the work is to show the prospects of apple breeding on the polyploid level. Terms of fruit ripening, their keeping capacity, mass, appearance and taste, biochemical composition were evaluated by generally accepted methods. The determination of sugars was carried out according to the method of Bertrand, ascorbic acid by titration of oxalate extracts with Tilmans paint (2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol), vitamin P (P-active substances) by the colorimetric method in the modi fi cation of L. I. Vigorov. It was reliably shown that fruit of triploid apple varieties created from intervalence crosses have larger mass and contain more sugars, although they are inferior in ascorbic acid content of fruit of triploid varieties created from diploid parents. In the article it is described the best two zoned triploid scab immune varieties created from intervalence crosses (‘Aleksandr Boiko’ and ‘Vavilovskoye’) and the best two zoned triploid scab immune varieties created from crosses of two diploid varieties (‘Rozhdestvenskoye’ and ‘Yubilar’).

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