
The article deals with metacognition as the notion in general and its strategies in particular implemented into the ESP course since online education has revealed the importance of some distance learning aspects, metacognitive strategies being part of them. The latest research and publications analysis prove that in spite of the fact that metacognition has been much researched and implemented into teaching and learning in EFL/ESL classroom concerning a foreign language it has not been deeply considered with regard to ESP. The article is aimed at focusing on metacognition and the corresponding strategies in terms of ESP, metacognitive monitoring, self-regulated studies in the framework of online education. The notion of metacognition being defined as ‘thinking about one’s thinking’ and in a wider sense treated as ‘awareness or analysis of one's own learning or thinking processes’ is applied to plan, monitor, and assess one’s understanding and performance. It comprises a person’s awareness of oneself not only in terms of his/her thinking and learning but also of seeing himself/herself as a thinker and learner. Thus, there exists mutual correlation between students ’ success and their metacognitive knowledge: the higher level of metacognition, the better educational outcome and vice versa. Developed metacognitive skills enhance learners’ motivational perspective, increase their ability to clearly understand objectives and tasks set enabling them to study and master new material faster due to efficient approaches used and proper strategies applied which is especially important for online learners as it requires considerable control and time management in a limited time frame for the ESP course and mixed grouping. The above mentioned findings have proved to be worth further focusing on being crucial from the point of view of ESP metacognitive strategies for regulating students ’ educational process, conducting metacognitive monitoring as well as performing self-regulated learning which is ofparticular importance under current circumstances in the framework of online education.

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