
Objective of the study is:  to prove that Ch. Palahniuk’s “Choke” is a vivid example of a work of art in which J. Baudrillard’s  views are systematically realized, and the novel itself can be interpreted as a kind of author’s reaction to these views.   The methodological basis of the research. The research methodology is based on the principles of hermeneutical and interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of the author’s fictional reality, the rules of philosophical and philological comparative studies, and the method of explication of the author’s deep meanings from the most essential and significant details of the psychological and speech portrait of the characters. The possibilities of informational-semiotic approach to the interpretation of a literary text in the light of J. Baudrillard’s philosophy are realized.   Research results. In Ch. Palahniuk’s creative concept the contemporary world is a parasitic constructor, forever feeding on the past and simultaneously generating new layers of meaninglessness. “Empty” societies do not balance on the verge of chaotic collapse, on the contrary, collapse, entropic hand, are an incentive for radical changes in culture. Through a painful struggle with himself and society, Ch. Palahniuk’s heroes are freed from the restrictions imposed by the simulation. Cultural and individual-personal disintegration opens up a world of possibilities for restructuring, and it is this potential restructuring that becomes the subject of the author’s comprehension in the novel “Choke”.   Prospects of the study. In the novel “Choke”, Ch. Palahniuk offers both a diagnosis of simulation and an effective mechanism for getting rid of its destructive consequences. For Ch. Palahniuk – as, in fact, for J. Baudrillard – signs and images are completely devoid of their semantic content. The novel under study is replete with verbal illustrations of absent and mediated referents, especially in the field of personal identity. The most of the characters’ personalities largely turn out to be unfounded constructions In this regard it is promising to detail the philosophical content of the integral character zone of the novel, taking into account the concepts of other poststructuralists.  

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