
This study was devoted to an urgent problem in the field of veterinary medicine, namely, the safety of long-term use of a monohormonal drug based on megestrol acetate for cats on the example of Sexcontrol (drops).
 It was found that as a result of the use of Sex Control (drops) in cats, according to the instructions in doses of 2.5 mg per cat per week for 18 months, there is a steady blockage of reproductive function. After discontinuation of the drug for 24 months, there were no signs of resumption of sexual cyclicity. It is likely that Sexcontrol causes profound disturbances in the centers of regulation of sexual function of cats (in the neuroendocrine axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonads), which can be interpreted as severe ovarian dysfunction. It is possible that other centers of neuroendocrine regulation of the body are also affected, which is confirmed by the phenomena observed in experimental animals such as apathy (decreased motor activity, refusal to play, refusal to interact with other cats), prolonged molting, symmetrical hormone-associated alopecia.
 The data obtained in this work, together with the information provided from numerous other scientific sources, indicate the need for additional studies to clarify the instructions of the group of monohormonal drugs based on MA in terms of clarifying the maximum possible duration of their use without prejudice to the reproductive health of animals (18 months), as well as with respect to the definition of opportunities and deadlines for conducting a repeat course.

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