
Preparation of a training manual “A reader’s problem in Tomsk and Tomsk province at the end of XIX - beginning of XX century” by a group of Tomsk researchers is seen as not only relevant and natural but also as a long-awaited phenomenon in the sphere of modern liberal education. Book culture and reading practices in the context of a certain epoch represent interest to specialists not only from theoretical but also from practical and metodological point of view. The purpose of the manual stated by the authors is to “identify the main trends regarding building reading practices at the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries and determine their value in book culture at the turn of the century” is being implemened based on the unique archival materials from the collections of the Tomsk State University Scientific Library, the Tomsk Local Lore Museum, the Tomsk Regional Archive. Diversity, richness and originality of the factual material coupled with research sensivity and thoroughness make it possible to trace the dynamics of reading practices becoming and developing in Tomsk and Tomsk province and to evaluate their impact on both regional literary process and social and spiritual changes taking place in society as a whole. Study of a reader in the context of the famous N. A. Rubakin’ triad “society - author -work” enables to understand the complex interaction mechanism of literary process, publishing strategies and reading practices existing in inextricable link and in many aspects defining the life of society in its spiritual dimension. The training manual aimed at youth audiences is written in clear language, filled with vivid images of people - readers and book lovers as well as with archaeographic factors introduced by the authors in scientific circulation. Publication has a clear-cut structure set by the logic of promoting a book - from the centre of a province to a rural reader, from the state publishing policy to the forms of readers’ amateur activities. For the convenience of readers, sections are prefaced with annotation, include questions and tasks for self-study as well as the list of additional literature on the topic of study. Such an approach updates research issues, introduces them in the context of vital pedagogical objectives and designates prospects of developing a conscious and qualified reader. And this is the central task, which - in our opinion - the authors of the training manual are well aware of. We believe that this noble task has been perfectly implemented in the book: uniqueness and diversity of the material, depth of its comprehenson, methodical thoroughness make the presented work a modern and timely educational publication and reveal rich traditions in preservation and continuation of high literary culture. That is precisely why the training manual is useful not only for publishers and philologists but also for future specialists with the broad range of expertise who together with professional knowledge in the high school acquire skills of meaningful and productive work with a book.

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