
The algorithm of formation of a personal learning environment (PLE) and learning group environment for the organization of electronic distance learning in medical higher education institutions is offered. It was noted that the introduction of the COVID-19 quarantine raised the issue of reorganization of the learning space and accelerated the process of introducing the distance learning model. The experience gained by the authors during quarantine made it possible to form the stages of deploying the learning environment in the medical higher education institution and to define the educational space of the group as the main element of this environment. The main technological steps of creating subsystems of the educational space of the university for using cloud services MSO365 were considered using the example of Zaporizhzhia State Medical University. The conditions that allow creating a hierarchy of the learning environment were defined, namely: a project of the structure of the learning environment with the coordination of departments; registration of all participants of the learning process and creation of their accounts in Active Directory of the university; automated procedure of transferring group members to AD MSO365. The paper provides an example of a hierarchy of names, which is a reflection of the structure of university departments in terms of staffing and determines the rights of access to the usage of services that ensure the implementation of the corresponding functions. The authors found that the user account is the first integrating service that allows the user to form a personal learning environment using OneDrive, web-site MS SharePoint, MS Forms and other office applications. It was noted that the user account is the lowest level of the hierarchy of the learning environment, the usage of which provides a learning space for groups. According to the authors, it is reasonable to use MS Groups to form academic groups. Using MS Teams, a teacher gets a flexible tool to form a learning environment for various organizational forms, namely: lectures, seminars, practical classes, independent work, etc. The authors proposed rules for forming group names in MS Groups and MS Teams. They presented an algorithm for deploying the department's learning environment and proposed a suggestion of structuring the subject's learning environment using MS Teams channels for a small number of groups in the department.

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