
Any regional area of recreation and tourism (CRT) is a large economic system that is influenced by a large number of a wide variety of external factors: economic, political, legal, organizational and other, including unpredictable (for example, a pandemic COVID-19, natural disasters or other similar events), which are increasingly faced in a new reality. Taking into account the impact of such a set of factors is very problematic, since the nature of the influence of a factor on the activities of the system is far from always known. In addition, the relative contribution of the total tourist product produced by the region (RTP) to the gross regional product of GRP, that is, the ratio of RTP/ GRP, should be considered as the final result of recreational tourism activities. The traditional view of the tourist product is that goods and services are considered “tourist products” only because they are created by enterprises that provide “tourist services” themselves (hotels, tour operators, etc.). A significant drawback of this approach is that the activities of enterprises that are not directly related to the tourism sector, but produce goods and services, some of which are somehow consumed by tourists and vacationers coming to the region, are completely not taken into account. These are enterprises of trade, transport, catering, culture, sports, leisure and entertainment, etc. The purpose of the article is to describe how with the help of DEA - analysis it is possible to take into account the contribution of a combined regional tourist product and evaluate the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors for the sphere.

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