
Objective of the study is to show the ideas of the intellectual and political elite of the Republic of Adygea and Krasnodar Krai about the regional identity policy, its specifics and main actors, the compatibility of different identities in a multicultural society. The results of the focus group, which was attended by scientists and politicians from both regions, are presented. The methodological basis of the research. The conducted research is based on the provisions on multilevel identities, interdisciplinarity and a systematic approach. A qualitative analysis of the texts of the group interview allowed us to analyze six groups of empirical indicators: 1) the role of government in identity policy, 2) the specifics of regional identity policy, 3) the development of national and civic identity, 4) compatibility of identities, 5) practices of regional identity policy, 6) prospects of regional identity policy. Research results. The specifics of identity policy in the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory are due to the polyethnic composition of the regions; the role of national cultural organizations, which are both actors involved in its formation and implementation, and objects of influence; the personal participation of the head of the region in building a positive identity; a combination, on the one hand, of constructivism, when purposeful, systemic activities of the authorities are carried out on the formation of one or another identity, on the other hand, the spontaneity of the ongoing processes. Also, the formation of values, the implementation of practices aimed at the compatibility of identities in the region is an important characteristic of the regional identity policy. In both regions, in general, there is an understanding of the development of national-state, civic identities, while it occurs both through direct influence on the formation of identity, and through other social institutions, such as family, education, media, etc.     Prospects of the study are connected with further scientific understanding of the potential of identity politics in general and regional identity politics, in particular, the vectors of its development, identification processes in the South of Russia in the context of modern geopolitical and socio-cultural challenges.    

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