
The article substantiates the need to improve the level of education in the field of cyber security, financial and digital literacy as a factor in reducing risks in the crypto market. The authors describe global socio-economic trends of the rapid development of digitalization of social life; highlight the problems caused by the low level of financial and digital literacy; analyze the publications of scholars on financial and digital literacy in the field of cryptoassets circulation, as well as the impact of financial literacy on investment decision-making; assess the practical developments of Ukrainian regulators in creating institutional and legal frameworks for improving the level of financial and digital literacy, as well as cyber security. The authors argue that the actions of educational managers should be aimed at ensuring the improvement of financial literacy, digital competences and cybersecurity skills for middle school students in the general secondary education institutions of Ukraine. The authors note that the educational content should also be developed in accordance with the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) in terms of acquiring key competencies and cross-cutting skills. This will allow students: think critically and systematically when making financial and investment decisions, which will ensure the future well-being and financial stability of the household; solve a wide range of problems with the widespread use of digital technologies; assess the risks of working in cyberspace using the cybersecurity skills acquired during the course; increase the level of knowledge gained in adulthood in the context of lifelong learning. It is concluded that it is expedient to increase the level of financial literacy, digital competences and cybersecurity skills for students of secondary schools in Ukraine. The authors also emphasize that the introduction of such a combined training course will ensure preventive activities and potentially reduce the burden on law enforcement agencies in terms of investigating financial, crypto and cybercrime, which are primarily related to the lack of awareness of citizens.

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