
The set of formal legal institutions that collectively constitute a “government”or a “state” form the basis of what we call “Political System”. Democracy, one of the institutions withiun the present day political scenario, is a system of processing conflicts in which the outcomes depend on what the opinion of majority of the participants is. In such a process, no single force or group can control what occurs unless they can prove their majority. The primary problem with the world politics in today’s world is not much different to what it has been over the centuries - it is controlled by people who are generally incapable of envisioning a system of just government that could address the broader problems faced by humanity and that which could think beyond the immediate scene. Nothing about our world will change until we acknowledge this reality and that the quality of life depends on more than a mere establishment of rules by which to live and carry out commerce. It requires an understanding of the universal issues that are not yet considered as a part of the better human condition by most governments of our time. Politicians always have, focussed on the tangible issues of the physical social structure while being oblivious to the fact that such a framework can be no more useful in improving the human condition than is the altruistic value of the foundation on which it is built. In this paper, the existing democratic political system has been thoroughly analyzed in accordance with the seerah of our beloved messengerﷺ.

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