
The article based on the memoirs of Soviet and Egyptian politicians and diplomats, examines the history of Soviet-Egyptian relations in the first year of Anwar Sadat's presidency and the influence of the “American factor” on them. The subjective reasons for the new foreign policy of the country arising from the ideological and political views of the Egyptian president are analyzed, its consistent and purposeful implementation aimed at moving away from friendly relations with the USSR to cooperation with the United States is shown. The argumentation and methods of implementing a new direction in Egypt's foreign policy are revealed. The details of the behind-the-scenes game of politicians, which is not reflected in the official diplomatic documentation, are highlighted. The veil is being lifted over previously unknown plots of the history of Soviet-Egyptian relations and the influence of the “American factor” on them. There is an opportunity to look into the “corridors of power”, to see the real picture of negotiations and discussions of sensitive diplomatic topics at the highest level. The memoirs reflect the political and social atmosphere of Egyptian society at a turning point in the history of this country. They most clearly show the influence of the “human factor” on the adoption of certain political decisions. The comparison of memoir sources al-lows us to get as close as possible to the authentic history of American influence on Soviet-Egyptian relations in the first year of Sadat's presidency.

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