
This study aimed to identify the degree of participation of ‎faculty staff in the process of decision-making at public and ‎private universities in the governorate of Irbid. In order to ‎achieve the objectives of this study, the researchers used the ‎descriptive survey method and a questionnaire was developed ‎which included (31) items distributed into five domains: ‎University management, faculty, academic affairs, student ‎affairs and local community, after assuring its validity and ‎reliability by statistical methods. The study population consists ‎of all faculty members in Yarmouk University and Jadara ‎University (1270) faculty members and study was applied on a ‎stratified random sample of (300) faculty members, during the ‎second semester of the academic year (2019/2020). The study ‎results showed that the participation of faculty staff in the ‎process of decision-making at public and private universities in ‎the governorate of Irbid showed an average degree. There were ‎significant differences on the domain (university management) ‎due to academic rank, in favor of full professors, and on the ‎field (academic affairs) due to academic rank, in favor of full ‎professors and associate professors. There were significant ‎differences on the domains (university management and student ‎affairs) due to university type, in favor of private universities. ‎The study recommended an optimal investment of human ‎abilities of the faculty and opening domains of participation in ‎the process of decision making in Jordanian universities.‎ ‎(Keywords: Decision-making, Faculty Staff, Jordanian ‎Universities)‎

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