
This article is devoted to innovative aspects of enhancement of management processes in a higher educational institution on the basis of application of modern information and communication technologies. Research purpose is development of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations about enhancement of management processes in higher education institution on the basis of application of information and communication technologies. This purpose has determined statement and the solution of the following tasks: to research theoretical essence and concept of corporate management of higher education institution; to determine the directions and forms of corporate management in higher education institution; to reveal feature of corporate management processes in higher education institutions; to determine the factors constraining implementation of the corporate principles of management of higher education institution; to develop technology of use of corporate mail of higher education institution on the basis of application of the program MS Outlook complex and a security system of Kerio Control. In the course of research methods of the economic, historical and logical analysis, system approach, a method of analogies, methods of generalization, method of expert evaluations, SWOT analysis, etc. were applied. Applied researches on this problem, and also practical experience of the Tashkent state economic university are used. During writing of article the results containing elements of scientifi c novelty are received: author’s defi nition «corporate management in higher education institution» on macro and microlevels is given. At the macrolevel – this state regulation, support and assistance of processes of implementation, transformation and adaptation of methods, models and the best practices (practice) of corporate management to the sphere of the higher education, increase of degree of autonomy of higher education institutions and sale of mechanisms of public-private partnership for the purpose of increase of social effi ciency and responsibility of the parties. At the microlevel – this use of the mechanisms of effective corporate management providing coordination of interests of the entities and organizations and creation of the conditions for long-term cooperation about business by community promoting a performance of the mission of higher education institution and maintenance of the academic values of the higher education; the directions of corporate management in higher education institution are determined; the features of corporate management processes consisting in ambivalence of their influence on the high school environment both with positive, and from negative sides are revealed; the factors constraining processes of forming of corporate management in higher education institution at various stages which elimination creates bases for search of new allowances of successful functioning of higher education institutions in the conditions of the increasing complexity, uncertainty and dynamism of external environment are determined. Zones of tripartite interests of the state, business and higher education institution in the course of integration of education, science and innovations are revealed. This research is directed to systematization and development of theoretical bases of the concept of corporate management in higher education institution. The received results can be used in activities of governing bodies, business by structures, professional and higher educational institutions as a basis for development of recommendations about development and enhancement of management processes based on application of information and communication technologies.

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