
The authenticity proof of the Hadith Traditions depends on the chain of transmission. A Hadith will be graded as "Ṣaḥiḥ" or authentic if its chain of transmission qualifies five conditions. One of the conditions is the in person connectivity of the narrator with the person who is describing Hadith. There are some words that do not indicate a hearing or a meeting such as "Un" and "Qa’al" etc. If the narrator uses such a word while narrating the Hadith then according to Imam Bukhari, the ruling on attachment to this chain of transmission will apply only when the hearing or meeting between them is confirmed. On the other hand according to Imam Muslims to be in the same era of time and the possibility of the meeting is enough. It is very important to understand the methodology of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslims used in their classic collection of Ahādith books. The following study focuses on the same. Key Words: Listening & Meeting in person regarding Hadith Collection, Contemporaneity, Chain of Transmission, Clue-based evidence in Bukhari & Muslim.

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