
The paper proposes a model estimating the volume of brine infl w into a repository with heat generating radioactive waste prompted by liquid inclusion transport in halites. The model takes into account the polycrystalline structure of natural halites and two brin fl w mechanisms associated with it: 1) the one prompted by thermomigration of intragrain inclusions and 2) the one prompted by brine transfer along the intergranular channels. Movement of intragrain inclusions is explained by salt transport occurring inside the inclusions, which in turn is driven by additional salt dissolution at the hot wall of an inclusion and its condensation on the cold one. Strong coupling between the intergranular inclusions and the grain boundaries provides the intergranular channel stability. The paper describes in detail both mechanisms and provides the formulas for inclusion transport rate calculations. It estimates the brine infl w for spherical and cylindrical repositories based on parameters taken from relevant literature sources. The study shows that halite microstructure and its accounting are crucial for the calculated brine infl w that can amount to tenths of the repository volume.

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