
This scientific article of pedagogical direction identifies the features of scientific and innovative approach to the content, forms and methods of activities for the education of physical culture and development of health values of combat horting by schoolchildren and students engaged in sports sections of educational institutions. The study was conducted to analyze methods of improving general physical training, physical education and basics of health of schoolchildren and students, revealed guidelines for organizing the educational process of combat horting in higher education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth. The theoretical analysis of the program of employment, problems of formation of a healthy way of life of students and conditions of application of improving physical exercises of fighting horting is carried out. The implementation of the content of general physical training, physical education and development of health values of combat horting by schoolchildren and students is provided by adequate to the physical activity of schoolchildren and students methods of building training sessions in sports sections of educational institutions. The presentation of the main material is based on the guiding state documents on physical education of schoolchildren and students in educational and extracurricular time. As a result of this research we can conclude that the practical significance of the results is to introduce into pedagogical practice methods of physical education and development of health values of combat horting by schoolchildren and students involved in sports sections of educational institutions, forming interest in schoolchildren and students. combat horting in general secondary and higher education, which includes various forms and methods of educational work, guidelines for physical education and development of health values of combat horting by schoolchildren and students engaged in sports sections of educational institutions, the formation of interest in schoolchildren and students to engage in combat horting. The obtained results will be useful for class teachers, teachers of physical culture and defense of Ukraine, leaders of sports clubs and sections of combat horting, students of higher education institutions, teachers of higher education institutions in physical education and sports while teaching the theory and methods of combat horting, physical education, special courses for teachers in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education. The research materials can be used in advanced training courses for physical education teachers and heads of sports sections in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, as well as during the preparation of curricula, manuals and recommendations.

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