
The prerequisites for the implementation of the public-private partnership mechanism in the domestic economy are revealed, with an emphasis on the processes of national economy recovery in the post-war period. The importance and functional role of public-private partnership in building effective investment attraction strategies is argued, with the hypothetical assumption of their promotion of rapid modernization and development of key sectors of the national economy. The public-private partnership in various socio-economic and political environments was analyzed and it was established that it should be considered an adaptive system that uses a mechanism of its implementation adequate to the situation. It has been established that in many countries of the world, public-private partnership is currently recognized as an important socio-economic concept, which, moreover, with the change of socio-economic and political parameters in the world space, acquires new forms of its application, in particular methods of financing the development of infrastructure or providing higher quality and volume of various types of public services. The existing state of domestic legislative regulation of public-private partnership is summarized and the appropriate stages of its implementation in the processes of post-war recovery of the Ukrainian economy are given. Separate directions for creating a favorable investment climate in the post-war period are argued, which relate to the provisions of the legal framework and institutional infrastructure, investment guarantee criteria. It is substantiated that they are critically important for reducing risks for domestic and foreign investors, a factor in increasing the attractiveness of public-private partnership projects. It has been established that the Strategy for the implementation of public-private partnership in the process of socio-economic recovery of Ukraine should primarily be based on the rational planning of the stages of recovery work both for infrastructure projects important for the national economy, as well as the provision of public services and stimulation of economic growth, the application of regulatory mechanisms aimed at ensuring transparency, accountability and fair distribution of risks between public and private participants.

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