
The restoration of the compensatory functions of the spine in osteochondrosis in the elderly is a pressing issue in both medicine and physical rehabilitation. Almost half of the persons of the second period of mature age suffer from osteochondrosis of the spine, which leads to pain, muscle contractions, a decrease in the amplitude of movement, and the like. That is why the need for the application of special methods of physical rehabilitation to restore vital functions. Based on the analysis and synthesis of scientific medical literature and physical education and sports, an experimental technique has been developed to actively restore the spinal compensatory functions in osteochondrosis of the spine in the elderly. The method is based on the use of methods of adaptive physical culture as a set of measures, including exercise therapy and therapeutic massage. Spinal osteochondrosis is a degenerative process, in which there may be subluxations in the vertebral joints or slipping of the vertebrae is observed, as a result of which the spinal cord and its roots are injured. Use in the elderly, patients with osteochondrosis of the spine, experimental methods of active recovery of the compensatory functions of the spine gave a positive dynamic of functional changes. The experimental methodology is based on the application of adaptive physical culture methods as a set of measures that include exercise therapy and therapeutic massage. An experimental procedure for the active restoration of compensatory functions of the spine with osteochondrosis has been developed, which is based on: exercises for relaxation of the muscles of the upper extremities, shoulder girdle; unloading of the affected division of the spine; relaxation exercises; exercises for small and medium muscle groups; corrective exercises; breathing exercises static and dynamic. It is proved that taking special exercises, dispensing them, depending on the nature and clinical course of the disease, can purposefully affect and mainly change certain functions of the body by restoring damaged systems, adapting the patient to the physical load of domestic and industrial nature. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the method of active restoration of compensatory functions of the spine in osteochondrosis included the definition of appropriate criteria, which include: mobility of the intervertebral joints; the dynamics of pain syndrome; research of psychoemotional manifestations. The results of experimental studies have shown positive dynamics in the experimental group of the elderly, patients with spinal osteochondrosis, in connection with adaptation to physical activity and increase their motor activity. The testing of mental functions showed a positive effect of the experimental complex of exercises on the emotional state of patients.



  • Однією з медико-біологічних проблем фізичної реабілітації осіб другого зрілого віку є відновлення компенсаторних функцій хребта при остеохондрозі.

  • Саме тому застосування спеціальних методик для відновлення життєво важливих функцій є першочерговим завданням у відновленні компенсаторних функцій осіб другого зрілого віку, зокрема при остеохондрозі хребта.

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ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ АДАПТИВНОЇ ФІЗИЧНОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ У ВІДНОВЛЕННІ КОМПЕНСАТОРНИХ ФУНКЦІЙ ХРЕБТА ПРИ ОСТЕОХОНДРОЗІ У ОСІБ ДРУГОГО ЗРІЛОГО ВІКУ Однією з медико-біологічних проблем фізичної реабілітації осіб другого зрілого віку є відновлення компенсаторних функцій хребта при остеохондрозі. Саме тому застосування спеціальних методик для відновлення життєво важливих функцій є першочерговим завданням у відновленні компенсаторних функцій осіб другого зрілого віку, зокрема при остеохондрозі хребта.

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