
The work aims at study of the scientifi c heritage of the Lviv local historian Yosyp Gronskyi through his contacts with scientifi c and cultural work. The scientifi c novelty is to introduce into the scientifi c circulation littleknown historical documents from personal fond of Yosyp Gronskyi (F. 214), which are stored in the Manuscript Department of the Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientifi c Library in Lviv. The documents allow a more detailed study of the development of historical local lore in the second half of the XX century. The methodology of the research is based on general scientifi c methods of analysis and synthesis as well as principles of historism and objectivity. To study the contacts of the local historian with cultural and scientifi c fi gures as part of his biography, the methods of biography as a special historical discipline were used. The methods of the archeography are used for the publication of the supplements. The case studies method was used to select documents to illustrate the entire palette of scientifi c contacts of Yosyp Gronskyi. Conclusions. Documents from the personal archival fond of Yosyp Gronskyi (F. 214) highlight the contacts between the local historian and scientifi c and cultural community in the second half of the 20 century. These are the contacts between scientists and culture fi gures of Lviv and Kyiv as well as the hosts of the «Fedoriv readings» in Vilnius. Yosyp Gronskyi’s manuscript heritage refl ects his scientifi c interests in the local history of Lviv and Halychyna. From the perspective of further studies it is necessary to involve documents from other archival fonds from Lviv and Kyiv to fi nd more details about the connections between scientifi c and cultural communities in the 1960s–1980s. To achieve the aim of the work (popularization of the scientifi c heritage of Yosyp Gronskyi) it is necessary to publish certain scientifi c works of the local historian that remain in manuscripts and are little-known to the researchers of Lviv and Halychyna.

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