
The article is devoted to certain aspects of the historical development of Ukrainian and foreign criminology in the context of its spiritual and value component. The main emphasis is on the interdisciplinary status of criminological science in the current conditions and the need for its study in the direction of various fields of knowledge for in-depth study of the nature of criminal law, management of crime processes and identification of its causes, spiritual and essential understanding of personality behavior, identification of positive and negative trends, processes and phenomena of public life. The analysis of foreign criminology gives grounds to assert that its main concepts are focused on the positivism understanding of law, where the religious component is leveled and regarded as insignificant. In order to organize a proper fight against crime, correction and re-education of criminals – reform of Ukrainian criminal law must take place in the spirit of traditionally-ordinary forms of Ukrainian law since ancient times, where the idea of catholicity and sanctity of life has always been privileged and supported by the people, that, actually, represents the separate aspects of the spiritually-valued concept of legal understanding. The basic postulates of the classical criminologycal school, the core of which is freedom of will, as the divine principle and rejection of torture, the so-called humanization of punishment, needs its modernization, improvement and renewal for the sake of high progress, and spiritual improvement of a man. The prospect here is remarkable, because everything that is spiritless is dead despite the huge rationality. Initially, only if the Spirit is embedded in the high senses of matter, the vision of far-sighted truth gives confidence to go their own, national way in proportion to all that has already been produced by the world community, for a common goal – to build Ukrainian criminology on qualitatively new, domestic, national (original) principles, finding prospects for its further improvement and innovation.

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