
Studying in medical higher education institutions has always been quite challenging and requires the involvement of various student reserves. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes to the life of society in general and the educational process in particular. Teachers and students of all educational institutions had to switch from working in classrooms to working remotely. All these factors create certain stressful circumstances, so it requires including all adaptive capabilities from each individual. The purpose of the study was to compare socio-psychological adaptation of students who studied in classroom with those forced to practice remotely for more than a year. Materials and methods. One hundred forty-eight completed questionnaires based on the questionnaire of K. Rogers and R. Diamond were processed. The control group consisted of 56 students – these are the answers of students who studied in the 6th year in their classroom during the 2017-2018 academic year. The experimental group included 92 questionnaires of students who worked on the 6th year remotely in the period from spring 2020 to spring 2021. Results and discussion. The study found that the adaptation of students in both groups at an intermediate level was 86% and 78%, respectively. The analysis results show the impact of the third crisis period of study (respectively, 1, 3, and 6 years) on the student. In the 2nd group, we received a figure by 8% lower for the control group. In the control group, the indicator of internality (perception of changes occurring to them due to their activities) did not differ. The transition to distance learning in its average value does not change it significantly. Emotional comfort in the experimental group of students was 12% higher than in the control group. The data obtained in the control group indicate an almost equal percentage of self-perception and perception of others. Students show a friendly attitude to classmates, the environment, a positive attitude towards others. The experimental group students show a positive pole of self-perception, which reflects the degree of self-friendliness. The lower rate of desire for dominance in distance learning students is probably due to the commitment to work in a team. Conclusion. Thus, students who have switched to an entirely new type of education have deviations in the socio-psychological adaptation. The adaptation of students tended to decrease, which indicates the need for additional time to adapt to new conditions and may affect the level of learning. Comparing students of online and offline forms of education revealed differences in the frequency and structure of deviations of social-psychological adaptation. Violations of social-psychological adaptation in distance learning are represented by low scores of its essential characteristics: adaptation, internality, the desire for dominance against the background of increasing self-perception and emotional comfort


  • В контрольній групі показник інтернальності майже не відрізнявся, ймовірно перехід на дистанційне навчання в середньому своєму значенні не змінює його істотно

  • В контрольній групі показник інтернальності майже не відрізнявся, тож перехід на дистанційне навчання в середньому своєму значенні не змінює його істотно

  • 2. Порушення соціальної-психологічної адапт­ ації при дистанційній формі навчання представлені низькими оцінками її інтегральних характеристик: адаптації, інтернальності, прагнення до домінування на тлі підвищення показників самосприйняття та емоційного комфорту

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В результати дослідження було виявлено, що адаптація у студентів обох груп була середнього ступеня - відповідно 86% та 78%. В контрольній групі показник інтернальності (сприйняття всіх змін, що відбуваються з ними, як результат власної діяльності) майже не відрізнявся, ймовірно перехід на дистанційне навчання в середньому своєму значенні не змінює його істотно. Більш низький показник прагнення до домінування в групі студентів, які навчалися дистанційно, обумовлений прихильністю працювати в команді.

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