
The article addresses to the study of the criminological characteristics of persons committed repeated criminal offenses while being registered by the authorized probation body. It was found that there are no comprehensive works devoted to the study of the criminological characteristics of persons who are registered with the authorized probation body, which in turn actualizes the need for such a study. The article makes an analyses of the socio-demographic, criminal-legal, and partially criminal-executive features of persons registered by the authorized probation bodies and committed a repeated criminal offense. Based on the analysis on the characteristics, it was found that: 92 % are male, 8 % are female. By age feature, 76,8 % belong to the group of 18–55 years (average age is 36 years), which is the most active group of people in the life space, and therefore is more prone to committing illegal acts. 75,9 % of which are not married; 64 % do not have children; 59,1 % have basic secondary education; 64,6 % are unemployed and 81,2 % of them do not want to work; health status of 96,2 % is satisfactory; 96,2 % tend to violate public order; 65,3 % committed a repeat criminal offense in the first year of registration. The ratio was established according to persons committed criminal offenses to the number of persons registered for 2018-2020. Over the course of three years, according to the records of the authorized probation bodies, the following number of persons were on average: released from serving a sentence with probation – 49,317; sentenced to community service – 3,357; sentenced to deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities – 2,930, to correctional works – 470. Applying the formula for determining the crime rate, we will calculate which persons (which punishment they are serving) most often commit repeated criminal offenses. The highest rate of repeated criminal offenses was committed by convicts serving a sentence of correctional work, namely 1.48, released from serving a sentence with probation – 0.6, community service – 0.6, sentenced to deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities – 0.5. Key words: criminological characteristics, an offender, convicted, repeated criminal offenses, the authorized probation body, punishment.

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