
The article attempts to systematize knowledge about the financial environment by studying the scientific achievements of finance as a science and financial law as an indicator of the effectiveness of their adaptation in the practical plane. Various interpretations of such economic categories as "financial institution" and "financial institution" have been revealed. An own vision of the architecture of financial phenomena is proposed. Financial activity is implemented in the basis of financial institutions as the basis of financial science and the financial environment of society. An own concept of the architecture of the financial environment has been formed, based on which it is proposed to see financial institutions and institutions that regulate financial activities. It was established that the legal field of Ukraine contains a fragmentary identification of financial relations. The lack of a systemic vision of finance does not allow for the formation of an effective financial system, and the modern achievements of financial science are complicated and require complex transformation. We emphasize in the article that scientific systematization allows obtaining a basic result that contributes to obtaining the main priority archetype for determining economic categories. And scientific research should be based on periodicity and evidence in the layering of scientific achievements on the exclusivity of financial categories and concepts. The purpose of the research is the actualization and systematization of the theoretical and applied provisions of financial activity, the doctrinal understanding of financial institutions and institutes, the component of finance as a science. Based on the results of the scientific research, it is proposed to systematize knowledge in the field of finance as a science and to take subsidiarity as a basis as the main tool for the formation of systemic knowledge. An attempt was made to organize knowledge about financial processes in society through the prism of law as an effective indicator of the effectiveness and expediency of the implementation of theoretical achievements in the practical sphere of the functioning of the economy. It is recommended to review financial paradigms and form a clear system of the financial environment in codes, laws and regulations.

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