
The aim illumination different aspect of interpretation of verbal nouns of word building type on -stvo (creation, semantics, functioning) in writer’s artistic texts.In the article on material of poetic, prosaic and dramatic works word-formation, semantic and stylistic potential lexemes of the word building type on -stvo with the noun value of the action/process and the statе; the derivatives of substantives are systematized of the basis of correlation of formative and derivative bases andlexical semantics in the artistic broad casting of writer; basic semantic groups are described; morphonological changes in the process of word-formation are clarified. Originality of introduction of abstract substantives with the value of action/process and state in text determines their role in forming of I. Franko’s original poetics. Verbal derivatives with a suffix -stvo are marked of original derivational and lexical semantics. Motivation and semantic relations between formative and derivative are exposed by concrete substantives in a context. In the process of word-formation there are such morphonological changes: truncating of verbal bases, duty of accent. In the context of observed osblyvist origin and use of alternative lexical meaning deverbatyv. Derivatives – lexical derivatives – complex nouns are merit special attention. In Franko’s poetic discourse is updated artistic potential of different styles vocabulary (vernacularism, archaisms and loan-words from another languages) and new formations. Expressive possibilities of the investigated word-formation type are consist in updating and poeticizing of language, transfer of local peculiarity.Perspective study sees to clarify the laws of creation and functioning of poetry and prose Francs derivatives with the suffix -atsi(ja), study their role in fuller expressiveness verbal thinking copyright specificity.

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