
The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic were the most devastating for food security and nutrition as a result of unprecedented depth and scale of economic downturns caused by pandemic measures. They have caused an economic downturn in 2020 in most countries around the world: per capita incomes have fallen more than ever in recent years.There is not enough scientific work aimed at comprehensively solving the problem in the economic, technological, environmental and social spheres that determine the factors and, accordingly, measures to eliminate or mitigate the effects of economic downturns, increase the resilience of food systems. The aim of this work is to deepen theoretical and methodological approaches and develop policy measures, determine the expected results and systematize implementation tools aimed at addressing food security and malnutrition in a slowdown and economic downturns. The study found that policy measures aimed at addressing food insecurity and malnutrition in the context of slowing economic growth and economic downturns include: policy measures aimed at the main channels of transmission of the impact of slowing economic growth and economic downturns; stimulating complex structural transformations in order to reduce economic vulnerability; cross-sectoral policies aimed at tackling food insecurity and malnutrition, with a special focus on poverty and inequality; making the most of trade for food security and nutrition. The main expected results of such measures are: curbing the rise in food prices or compensating for its consequences; stimulating job creation and increasing incomes; financial feasibility and sustainability of countercyclical policy; developing a balanced policy and ensuring balanced investments in favor of complex transformations. Poverty reduction policy measures are proposed, focusing on each of the main aspects of food security: physical availability of food; economic and physical access to food; food use; stability of the other three dimensions over time.

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