
The article is devoted to the analysis of the personal names of representatives of the Polish community of Khmelnytskyi from the point of view of their compliance with the norms of the contemporary Ukrainian literary language. The article considers the main types of linguistic deviations in the personal names records of the representatives of the Polish community of Ukraine at the beginning of the 21st century from the sociolinguistic perspective. Linguistic deviations in contemporary Ukrainian anthroponymy are caused by several reasons, the main of which are Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism, the dominance in the communicative practice of variants of names borrowed from the Russian language, as well as a significant number of borrowed names that do not have an established tradition of reproduction in the Ukrainian language. The connection between the language situation and the occurrence of language deviations in the records of personal names is traced using the example of the Polish community of Khmelnytskyi. The language situation in the Polish community of Khmelnytskyi can be characterized as Ukrainian-Russian-Polish trilingualism. Practices of alternating use of the Ukrainian, Russian, and Polish languages cause the emergence of deviant variants of personal names under the influence of the phonetic standards of the Russian and Polish languages. The correct spelling of the name is influenced by the awareness of the spelling of the Ukrainian language, literacy, language skills, and the nationality of the priest. Catholic priests, who often belong to the Polish nationality, carry out documentation of the personal names from the verbal message of the parents, using the Russian language, which leads to the entry of deviant forms of personal names into official documents. The variability of personal names is determined by the peculiarities of the stylistic use of anthroponyms, colloquial speech, dialectal speech, and regional specificity. A quantitative correlation of normative and deviant variants in records of personal names was determined. The tendencies of the creation of the contemporary naming system of the ethnic minorities of Ukraine under the influence of Ukrainian- Russian bilingualism are analyzed.

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