
Analysis of the reasons for the decline in the operational reliability of the labor safety system in mines shows that the main reason for the failure to perform the necessary functions is the existence of an industrial conflict between the objectives of efficiency and safety of production. In order to eliminate the industrial conflict, the authors are proposing the following methodological principles for the operation of a mining facility: 1) industrial risk is one of the key criteria in making management decisions at the enterprise; 2) industrial risk management is an integral part of the industrial activity management; 3) informational basis of the industrial risk management is monitoring of the internal and external environment, labor and production processes, structural and functional basis of the labor safety system that enables identification of regular trends and development and implementation of preventive measures on this basis. Resolving the challenge of predicting and managing industrial risks within the framework of the labor safety system ensures transition from reducing the frequency of injuries to controlling the probability of their occurrence. For this purpose it is necessary to design a labor safety system with the specified parameters that would provide an acceptable level of industrial risks. The efficiency and designing of the system, as well as implementation of the proposed principles, directly depends on the personnel. Therefore, it is advisable to apply the competency building approach to personnel training. Application of the competency building approach helps to eliminate deficiencies related to performance of the functions; to accelerate decision-making and speed-up the response to new hazards when emergencies occur, to enhance the competency of personnel in a targeted way, to involve a large number of the mine personnel in the activities to ensure production safety. Formation and functioning of the labor safety assurance system based on the organizational and technical project will allow to integrate the procedures of industrial risk management into the production management system, thereby forming safe conditions, necessary and sufficient for effective execution of the production task.

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