
The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal relation among the athletes, sport organization and itsstakeholder and propose the legally structural suggestions for to prevent reoccurrence for sport administrativeability in future with a case of suspension of qualification fro Korean national badminton athletes for violationof WADA regulations. Nowadays, structural process for protection of basic human rights in an organization i sabsolutely required. In this respect, the case of Lee and Kim id not reach the basic custom of organization ,because even if such a mount of damages were occurred to them by a negligence of organization, the KoreanBadminton Association(KBA) did not conduct any compensating aciot ns for the athletes. Therefore, it seem snot possible that Lee and Kim sue the KBA for there damages unedr the Korean elite athletic culture. As th eresults, this paper proved legal rights of national athletes with the view of Korean Civil Law and proposed severalsuggestions for the sport organization in Korea.

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