
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that current globalization trends contribute to the formation of the world education area, and further steps in this direction require taking into account the achievements of recognized leaders of knowledge society and other countries seeking to join them in reforming national education systems. Based on the analysis of normative documents, statistical materials and reports, current research of modern scientists, the experience of modernization of higher education in Ukraine and Central Asia in the direction of integration into the world, especially European, educational space is determined by their national interests and desire to expand cooperation with Europe and the world in general. A comparative analysis of the experience of implementing the principles of the Bologna Process, involvement in international educational programs and projects shows that these partner countries, united by a common socialist past, although are not members of the European Union, but are considered strategic partners. It is argued that Ukraine and Kazakhstan followed the path of official entering the Bologna Process (which contributed to improving the efficiency and quality of higher education, expanding the market of educational services for applicants and labor markets for graduates), while Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan only partially changed their direction, which was declared at the state level. Turkmenistan, on the other hand, remains closed and conservative. It has been found that common to all countries is the need to systematically improve the quality of higher education, further update the entire education system (organizational, methodological, personnel), taking into account globalization and integration trends, which can contribute to further active cooperation with European Union countries, including within the framework of international programs (Erasmus, Tempus, Jean Monnet, etc.).

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