
The article reviews the main reasons for the growth of the role of a «foreign language» discipline within the framework of non-linguistic specialties as part of the process of gradual reformation of the higher education system in Ukraine. The author addresses the search for effective concepts for the integration of professional training and teaching foreign languages for future highly qualified specialists in non-linguistic universities, which are reflected in strategic government documents. The main innovative methods of teaching a foreign language, conditions for their effective application in the educational process of higher educational institutions along with their teaching and educational potential are analyzed. Amongst the innovative methods of teaching students a foreign language, the author highlighted the following: training modules that ensure the development of the fluency of students' speech, as well as their confident communication in a foreign language; case technologies that make it possible to use practical life situations for learning; binary classes allowing the integration of subjects, interest and students` motivation. Educators and students have the opportunity to use the Internet and computer technology to increase the efficiency of the process of learning foreign languages in university courses. A great tool for learning foreign languages are mobile applications and Internet platforms that use authentic materials. Students and teachers have access to audio and video materials created by native speakers who are also teachers. Mobile applications allow you to independently create test tasks, surveys and a variety of games and involve a large number of students.

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