
A recent interest in multi-channel retailing is customer showrooming behavior which has appeared as one of the important issues in the dynamic retailing environments. Customer showrooming behavior refers to shopping behavior by consumers who intentionally benefit from the explanations and services of on retailers in on channel before actually purchasing from a different retailers in another channel. It was reported that in all 68% of US Internet users had decided to buy online channel decided to first check products at traditional offline store. This statistics imply the seriousness of the customer showrooming behavior and various researchers have expressed their concern over rising showrooming phenomenon. Although research studies in the past have deal with behaviors related consumer showrooming like cross-channel free riding, channel switching behavior, but individual studies on showrooming from a employee, namely, salesperson perspective have not been conducted yet. With this focus, we concentrate on offline retailing salesperson, surprisingly largely ignored stakeholders in multi-channel studies. This study aims to examine the mediating effect of salesperson creativity on the relationship between experienced customer showrooming behavior and job performance using department store salesperson samples. Second, we investigate the moderating effect of service scripts that weaken the effects of experienced customer showrooming behavior and salesperson creativity. Also, this study seek to examine the moderating effects of service script on the mediating effect of salesperson creativity. Noting the theoretical and empirical supports provided by past studies, we formulated the following hypotheses. <Figure 1> presents the research model. Figure 1 Research model and empirical analysis result χ2(215)=626.15, p<.05, RMSEA=.07, TLI=.91, SRMR=.05, CFI=.92 Hypothesis 1: Salesperson creativity will mediate the positive relationship between customer showrooming behavior and job performance. Hypothesis 2: Service scripts will moderate the positive relationship between customer showrooming behavior and salesperson creativity. Specially, the positive relationship between customer showrooming behavior and salesperson creativity will be weaker with high levels of service script Hypothesis 3: Service Scripts will moderate the mediating effect of salesperson creativity on the relationship between customer showrooming behavior and job performance such that the indirect effect of customer showrooming behavior on job performance is weaker when service scripts is high. We collected data from salespersons who were working in a department store. We contacted the human resources department of the store and obtained permission to survey their staff. Specifically, they facilitated the distribution of the survey instruments to a total 600 full-time salespersons who were working in various sales units in the department store. The process yielded a total of 397 questionnaire responses, representing a response rate 69.1%. We conducted confirmatory factor analysis to examine the convergent and discriminant validity of the measurement items using M-plus. The measurement model fit the data well(fit indices: χ2(215)=626.15, p<.05, RMSEA=.07, TLI=.91, SRMR=.05, CFI=.92). All the measure demonstrated strong composite reliabilities(CR) ranged from .80 to 93(see Table 1). Also, we confirmed the condition for discriminant validity among the constructs. All the average variance extracted(AVE) values were greater than the squared correlations between a construct and any other variable(see Table 1). Table 1 The results of Confirmatory factor analysis construct item Standardized loading t Cronbach

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