
The article is devoted to the problem of forming a professional reflection of future Air Traffic Controllers in professional training. At the first stage of the dissertation, the pedagogical conditions necessary to solve this problem were theoretically explained. At this stage it is important to prove the feasibility of one of the pedagogical conditions in the formation of the studied construct. The article examines the approbation of the pedagogical condition – orientation of the contents of the professional training of future Air Trafic Controllers for the formation of the professional reflection. The aim of the article is to reveal the substantive aspects of approbation of the substantiated pedagogical condition of formation of professional reflection of future Air Trafic Controllers.in professional training. The forms of realization of this pedagogical condition are determined. This is a special course «Fundamentals of professional reflection of air traffic controllers» and academic subjects «Air Traffic Management», «Psychology», «Aviation Meteorology» and «Aviation Safety». The article describes methods and examples of exercises aimed at the formation of professional reflection, highlights the importance of this pedagogical condition in professional preparation for further professional self-improvement.Thus, the complex introduction of the pedagogical condition, the use of problematic, contextual and reflexive approaches for the content-organizational support of the formation of professional reflection of future Air Trafic Controllers at the theoretical-activity stage is contributed to the formation of stable attitudes to of getting professional knowledge and skills.In the further scientific research, more attention should be paid to the development of educational and methodological manuals, practical tips and recommendations for the formation of professional reflection of Air Trafic Controllers.

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