
This paper covers the issues of expression of negation category in the complex sentence in Russian and French grammars. The authors presented the traditional description of the negation category, in other words, it is considered only in the context of its lexical and grammatical expression with the help of the particle “not” or the word “no”. Usually, it is understood in such a narrow way while analyzing the complex sentence. The paper considers complex sentences of adverbial semantics that present more complete (in addition to the particle “not”) the interaction of negation category with the category of unreality when expressing it with the help of particle “would”. The existence of two particles “not” and “would” in a simple sentence is not only the expresser of the unreal modality but, at the same time, it expresses the negation semantics that neutralizes the action of negative particle “not”. The negation semantics can be sometimes expressed by the lexicalization linguistic means as well, such as “doubtful”, “I doubt”, “I am not sure” and so on. The authors show that such phenomena can be observed in French sentences as well. Therefore, we can speak about the structural-semantic and functional correlations and differentiations at the level of syntax in Russian and French languages that reflect the generality of syntactic relations in both languages. The analysis showed that the means of expression of the negation category semantics in a complex sentence differs from the means of its representation in a simple sentence. Based on the results of the study, it is possible to conclude that the significance of negation is such an extent that it usually acts a frequentative seme soldering the principal and the subordinate parts into integral whole – complex sentence, which is typical for both languages.

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