
The aim of the article is to highlight the problem of functioning of the nobility class institutions of South-West region after the banning of the iractivities as a resul to the Polish January Uprising in 1863–1864. Political and legal reality of the Russian Empire in the late 19th — early 20th century endangered the class privileges of the entire limitation or even cancelling. In such circumstances, the representatives of the privileged class, and especially the local Polish minority, had to adapt to the new order of autocratic power. The procedure for the elections, which were traditional event in the region, was limited by the partial appointment of some officials mainly from among the Russian nobility. The positions of the provincial and district leaders were not canceled, but rather included the expansion of their functions and responsibilities. For example, the position of the district leader included the obligations of mediator and provincial leader became not only a trustee of educational institutions. The nobility was included to committees working on different issues of local and national importance. The quite acute was the promotion and payment of the grants to officials, the rules of nobility funds activity. It was remained unchanged until 1917, and in certain regions until 1919, the status and activities of nobility tutelage, which competence was determined by care for abandoned and neglected estates of privileged class representatives of the Russia Empire society. So, because of the historical circumstances, which took place in the early 20th century, the nobility as a social link transformed since the government and its priorities and, of course, management mechanisms had changed. Although until the fall of the Romanov dynasty in south-wester \n provinces such class institutions as provincial governments and district leader of nobility, deputy county assembly and nobility tutelage had been functioning, but they were completely controlled by the state. All noble privileges, including the right of corporate activities were canceled by manifesto of 1917. The confrontation between the nobility and autocracy would replace by cooperation. But because of circumstances during 1863–1917s the preferable situation had not happened. Instead, autocratic government made the county and provincial institutions firstly work with the state affairs, and then — noble class. Most of the positions were appointed, the preference was given to the nobles of Russian origin. The aim was to ensure the imperial interests in the region. The process of confrontation between the authorities and the Polish nobility, which owned the majority of lands in the region, was prior to the introduction of the South-West provinces of elected Zemstvo, which were formed not on class, but on ethnic basis.


  • Ускладненню функцій місцевої влади[2]

  • Державний апарат повинен обслуговувати інтереси самодержавства в регіонах Імперії, тому кількість російських чиновників на посадах у губернських та повітових органах влади після 1861 р. почала збільшуватись

  • Until the fall of the Romanov dynasty in south-wester \n provinces such class institutions as provincial governments and district leader of nobility, deputy county assembly and nobility tutelage had been functioning, but they were completely controlled by the state

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Ольга Барвінок

ФУНКЦІОНУВАННЯ СТАНОВИХ ІНСТИТУЦІЙ ДВОРЯНСТВА ПІВДЕННО-ЗАХІДНИХ ГУБЕРНІЙ РОСІЙСЬКОЇ ІМПЕРІЇ В КІНЦІ ХІХ — НА ПОЧАТКУ ХХ СТ. Унаслідок таких нововведень із боку російської влади у Південно-Західному краї посилилась роль губернських, повітових предводителів дворянства, а також дворянських опік. Проте клас посади правобережних повітових предводителів дворянства не було підвищено до виходу указу 1902 р., за яким класи дворянських посад підвищувалися: предводителі — V, депутати дворянського депутатського зібрання — VІ, секретарі — VІІ класів відповідно[40]. Подільський і волинський предводителі дворянства пояснювали причини ухиляння дворян від посад та обов’язків невчасною виплатою і без того мізерного жалування при відсутності інших джерел прибутку не таких заможних дворян, як це було у першій половині ХІХ ст., коли участь у станово-корпоративних організаціях стала прерогативою найперше багатих землевласників, представників магнатських династій[49].

Ольга Барвинок
Olga Barvinok
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