
The aim of the study is to reveal the range of problems associated with the ideological content of the poem “The Wounded Aurochs” by the classic of the Karachai-Balkarian literature Kyazim Bekkievich Mechiev (1865-1945). Special attention is paid to the historical and social circumstances that forced the poet to write one of his socially acute works. The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of the author’s poem with the works of the region literatures classics - K. Khetagurov and I. Kazak. The researcher determines the issue of the author’s responsibility in the disclosure of the topic, his interest in resolving the problems of the highland society. Special attention is paid to the means of artistic expression used by K. Mechiev in the poem to create an emotional picture of the social disorder of the Balkar society life. The scientific originality of the research is in the fact that the work for the first time reveals connection between the lyric hero and the author. The scientific research results have shown the relevance of the ideas contained in the poem, their significance for understanding the processes that took place in the mountain society in the pre-revolutionary decades.

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