
The article is devoted to the method of teaching Russian phraseological units in the Korean audience and presents a methodological module complex for teaching Russian phraseological units based on the linguo-didactic analysis of phraseological material using a set of various exercises to form student skills to learn and use phraseological units in Russian spontaneous speech, to increase the imagery and expressiveness of their oral speech, as well as to improve understanding of written language in order to bring students closer to the level of knowledge of Russian of the Russian language native speakers. The article describes communicative situations in which semantic use of phraseological units is determined. The module complex includes six texts developed by the author for students of different levels, not lower than B1-B2, as well as module control testing. The article emphasizes the important role of the teacher in the formation of phraseological competence among foreign students, in selection of material for compiling a phraseological minimum for foreign students, in determination the ways of presentation of educational material and activating it in the Russian language classes, considering the national specifics of the audience, in our case - Korean. The materials of the article can be used in the classes for bachelor s and master s studies.

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