
Objective: study of the effect of Siberian stag velvet antlers powder on the state of hemopoesis and biochemical indicators of overtraining in winter cycling sports athletes. Materials and methods: the study was carried out in 86 athletes of high qualification of winter sports (cross-country skiing, biathlon) aged from 18 to 30 years, men. Sportsmen were divided into 3 groups: the main group I (n=30) received the velvet antlers powder in a dose of 2 g/day. Main group II (n=30) received the velvet antlers powder in the dose of 4 g/day. Control group III (n=26) received placebo (sugar-sand in similar capsules). The effectiveness of the antlers powder was evaluated on the basis of analysis of hematological (content of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit) and biochemical indicators (iron content, total serum iron-binding capacity, ferritin, erythropoietin, cortisol, testosterone, lactate, glucose, urea, uric acid, c-reactive protein and indicators of lipid peroxidation). Results: the use of the velvet antlers powder helps stimulate the synthesis of erythropoietin within reference values, preserve iron reserves and prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia, glucose correction, lactate, urea and other laboratory overtraining. These effects are most pronounced at a dose of antlers powder per 4 g/day in athletes from groups I and II. Correction of glucose, lactate, urea and other laboratory indicators of overtraining, as well as an increase in the anabolism index was observed only in group II of athletes taking antlers powder at a dose of 4 g/day. In the control group, endocrine-biochemical signs of overtraining were detected against the background of intense training loads. Conclusions: the internal use of Siberian stag velvet antlers powder has a hemostimulating effect, as well as helps to correct biochemical indicators of overtraining in athletes of winter cyclical sports during the training period of the year cycle training.

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