
The article is devoted to a problem that causes a lot of controversy in a Russian scientific community at present: the possibility and expediency of introducing in Russia the institute of criminal liability of legal persons. The author underlines the problems of this issue. The main arguments of both supporters and opponents of criminal liability of legal persons are presented. Among the main arguments against – the question of personal guilt, which is a major problem and an obstacle to the introduction of this institute, the possibility of tightening the liability of legal persons in other branches of law, etc. Among the main supporting arguments of legal entities’ the criminal liability, referred to in this article, there are international obligations of the Russian Federation, greater efficiency of criminal sanctions, criminal record of legal persons, judicial optimization and others. Attention is also paid to the fact that since 2002 in the Russian Federation there has already existed administrative liability of legal persons, which was one of the major novelties of the Administrative Code, 2002. Russian administrative scholars have formulated the theoretical and practical bases of administrative liability of legal persons that can be used and the introduction of criminal liability of legal persons. In addition, attention is paid to the current debate in Russia on the possible introduction of the category of criminal offence and the possible merging of criminal liability and administrative liability in one single form of legal liability. In this connection it may be interesting to refer to the French experience, where are three categories of offences: crime, délit and contravention.
 At the end of the article the author points out the objective difficulties of the possible introduction into the domestic legal system the institute of legal persons’ criminal liability, which is caused by a number of reasons, first of all by the established principles of domestic criminal law doctrine.

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