
The road network of the Irkutsk region comprises over 12 000 km. Most roads run near villages, na-ture reserves and national parks; nevertheless, intermediate road surfacing is used. Therefore, road materials, including dust control, are subject to stringent requirements. The objective of the work is to study the environmental impact of dusting processes on highways with an intermediate road surfacing, as well as to solve the problem of scuffing of these roads on the territory of the Irkutsk region using local materials. For this, on the territory of the Zhigalovsky district in the Irkutsk region, the processing of highways with the intermediate road surfacing and their subsequent operation during the warm dry season were examined. In the course of the study, the composition and environmental impact of the brine solution of natural origin produced on the territory of the Znamensky deposit in the Zhigalovsky district, the Irkutsk region, was compared to other materials used for dust control of motorways. A con-clusion was made on the environmental safety of natural brine and its efficiency in dust control on road surfaces.

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