
The article analyzes the field of remote sensing of the Earth of high spatial resolution from space and presents the main trends in this field. It is shown that the main consumers of remote sensing materials are government and law enforcement agencies (the share of the latter is about 60%).The main companies of commercial space systems for remote sensing of the Earth of high spatial resolution and companies-distributors (operators) of these systems representing their interests in the Ukrainian market are given. These companies provide information for security and defense tasks and provide pricing policies for remote sensing services. The materials of optoelectronic and radar surveying are considered and the possibilities of the State Space Agency of Ukraine of the National Center for Control and Testing of Spacecraft to obtain space survey materials of high spatial resolution are reviewed.Described projects for the reception of special information of high spatial diversity, namely: with the Israeli company Image Sat International N.V. (spacecraft “EROS-B”) (panchromatic images with a spatial resolution of 0.7 m); with the Chinese company China Great Wall Industry Corporation four spacecraft series “SuperView-1” (multispectral images with a spatial resolution of 0.5 m).The possibilities of receiving and processing materials of remote sensing of the Earth from the specified spacecraft resulted.

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