
The process of developing professional communicative competence (PCC) of an employee of internal affairs agencies occurs during the period of learning at a higher educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In this regard, the issue of how and by what means the specified competence can be formed during the educational process is quite relevant. The paper presents the author’s methodology for developing the professional communicative competence of cadets and describes the system of its methodological support. The author proposes the systematic implementation of the methodology for developing professional communicative competence. The content of each stage has its own specifics and depends on the communicative position of a cadet in educational interaction, which is expressed in particular strategies reflecting the repertoire of the cadet’s role positions, tactics of pedagogical actions, organizational forms, methodological tools, teaching aids, and the expected result inherent in a certain stage. The methodology for developing professional communicative competence has its own system of methodological support represented by a set of resources: scientific and methodological support, diagnostic support tools, methodological resources, electronic resources; it is easily reproducible and has a distinct practice-oriented nature. The presented methodology for forming professional communicative competence and the system of its methodological support proved their effectiveness during testing at the pilot stage of the experiment. Based on the results of its use, positive dynamics was recorded among the experimental group respondents expressed in an increase in the number of cadets with productive and constructive levels of professional communicative competence formedness.

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