
We consider the problem of development an active lexical fund of the modern Russian literary language, an important source of which is considered to be folk patois. We describe the trends that determine the qualitative and quantitative changes in the vocabulary of the Russian literary language, affecting the nature of the lexical-semantic system of the national language. The synchronous-diachronic approach to the analysis of specific lexical units, for example, the words girl and grandfather, which are high-frequency and relevant for the modern Russian literary language, makes it possible to clarify the direction of semantic and stylistic transformations of lexemes, which contributes to clarifying their genesis and ways of penetration into the standard codified language. Northern Russian patois, including Kostroma patois, are considered as one of the linguistic phenomena that influenced the formation of a standardized literary language. In this context, special attention is paid to the works of writers of the late 18th – mid-19th century (A.O. Ablesimov, A.N. Ostrovsky, N.A. Nekrasov, etc.), associated with the Kostroma Region, and their works are analyzed in as significant sources for studying the regional word, as well as the history of its entry into the literary language. Part of the dialect vocabulary that appears in the author’s texts is currently fully adapted to the literary language, the other part, distinguished by a special colloquial affectation or structural-semantic and functional-textual properties, still occupies a border position between the center of the national language and its periphery. We analyze the commonly used lexemes of the modern Russian literary language in the totality of their structural-semantic and functional-stylistic properties that appeared in it due to the regrouping processes that took place in various areas of the national Russian language in a historical perspective from the 17th century to the 21st century.

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