
In the professional standard for the profession «Primary school teacher of a general secondary education institution», one of the main labor functions is «participation in the organization of a safe and healthy educational environment», which implies the ability formation to design cells for teaching, educating and developing students. Significant changes must be made in the process and content of the training of primary school teachers who are capable of designing a learning environment according to the modern Ukrainian school requirements. The article describes diagnostic tools for assessing the formation component levels of the future primary school teachers readiness to design the learning environment according to personal, content-procedural and evaluative-regulatory criteria: determining personality orientation vectors according to B. Bass; analysis of goods activity; motivational essay; short orientation test according to E. Vanderlik; self-assessment scale of meta-cognitive behavior according to D. Lacoste; creative thinking test according to S. Mednik; determination of the reflectivity level; methodology for determining the emotional intelligence level according to N. Hall; methodology for the volitional self-regulation research according to E. Eidman An experimental data analysis showed qualitative changes at the low and medium levels of the future primary school teachers readiness formation to design the learning environment, which is due to a decrease in the number of applicants for higher education in these categories during the pedagogical experiment in the CG (by 6,97% and 6,33%, respectively) and EG (by 13,92% and 17,73% respectively). Sufficient and creative formation levels of this readiness also demonstrated positive qualitative changes: an increase in the number of applicants for higher education in the CG (by 10,13% and 3,17%, respectively) and the EG (by 22,16% and 9,49%, respectively). The obtained results are confirmed using mathematical statistics methods, particularly, Pearson's criterion calculation = 11,2 and Student's t-test t=8,4. In all respects, there were statistically significant changes in the formation level of the future primary school teachers’ readiness to design the learning environment, which is the basis for asserting the high effectiveness of the developed structural and functional model, particularly, the proposed organizational and pedagogical conditions, forms, methods and means. Key words: readiness, experimental research, diagnostics, model, elementary school, teacher.

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