
The article actualizes the problems of educational integration in the school system of the Republic of Iraq. The author considers this problem from the perspective of the integration of children with visual impairments in ordinary non-specialized schools. The article substantiates the importance of the educational integration of children with disabilities in the educational system of Iraq in the framework of the new educational paradigm. The author reveals the possibilities of health-saving technologies implemented in the school system of education of the republic for the successful psychosocial adaptation of children with visual impairments. The basic concepts of a health-saving education policy in Iraq are presented, as well as their use for the successful integration and psychosocial adaptation of children with visual impairments in ordinary schools. The article indicates the main trends and principles of educational integration in Iraqi schools, discusses the necessary aspects of training teachers in working with children with health problems. The author pays special attention to social aspects in the framework of integration, the interaction of children with visual impairments in the educational environment of ordinary schools. The article highlights the levels of ensuring successful integration and psychosocial adaptation in the educational system of Iraq. Some conceptual methodological aspects in the work of a teacher with children with visual impairments integrated into regular schools are disclosed.

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