
Purpose: to study and analyze technical and technological constituent of the agro-industrial complex of Russia in the context of a new world economic structure formation and to highlight main issues and development potential. Methods. The monographic, analytical, abstract-logical methods and the method of monitoring studies were used in the course of research. Results. The development of the world economy is characterized by an unsteady and utterly unstable political situation, the “reshaping” of trade and economic relations, the accelerated development of high technologies and their active implementation in the production sphere, which forms the contours of a new world economic structure. As studies show, in our country there is a significant lag in technical and technological provision of the agricultural sector, low innovative activity of agricultural producers in comparison with the advanced agricultural countries, which does not allow fully realize the potential of the industry. If in the developed agrarian countries of the world there is a transition to the sixth technological structure based on the use of science-intensive technologies and innovations, then in Russia there is a simultaneous use of production technologies of the second, third, fourth and fifth technological orders with a predominance of the third and fourth orders, which in its own turn forms a significant lag of our country from the countries – leaders of the agricultural sector. In this regard, the key issues are: technical and technological modernization and digitalization of the agricultural industry, increasing the innovative activity of agribusiness entities, the widespread use of scientific achievements of the fifth technological structure and an accelerated transition to the sixth one. Conclusions. In order to strengthen Russia's position on the international agricultural market by realizing the competitive advantages of domestic goods and industries, it is proposed to develop and implement a unified state policy of the country's agricultural sector modernization.

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